Marion Jola Instagram Post Style Inspiration

2 tahun yang lalu


Inspiration to post photos on Instagram doesn't just come from what's in the photo, it can also come from how the image is displayed to followers/public. Here is inspiration for posting Instagram photos from Marion Jola, a singer from Indonesia who might be able to provide inspiration for posting photos on your Instagram.

How looks Like on Instagram

The following is how Marion Jola's post looks like, which we mean, for the sample, we only use the mobile web version of Instagram.

Posts using multiple image mode, it looks normal in the first image if we slide it to the next slide, another story appears and here it starts to look cool.

This post is similar to when we read comics, not only telling one moment, but telling many moments that happened, in this case the moments when Marion Jola was performing live. The following is the appearance if we download and collect these images into one image.

It seems it would be easier if we made it in Photoshop, first create a very wide blank document, and the rest is just pasting the photos you want to include. After saving we need to crop it to a precise size to make it look good on Instagram.

The Original Post Sample

Here we also attach Marion Jola's original Instagram post that uses this concept, there are also several other posts with the same concept at different events, please explore them. Ref: .


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