The atmosphere of Cycling in South Korea with Charlotte

2 tahun yang lalu


Have you ever thought about the atmosphere of riding around South Korea, Charlotte with her Instagram content sharing posts about that, namely riding around South Korea, maybe it could be a reference if you ride there.

Original post, please check MauGowes: 

Complete Upload of Gowes Charlotte's post on Instagram

Her Instagram account is @charlotte_rose5, from his bio Seoul 2016~ 🇬🇧, it is very likely that he came from England to South Korea from 2016, from previous posts it is possible that he married a South Korean and settled there.

Charlotte's post seems to be almost filled with cycling content in South Korea, so we know how the cycling atmosphere is there, and it could be a reference too.

Charlotte Share Strava Too

Usually uploads on Instagram are late post, a few days/days after activity cycling, and we also don't know how the complete route is from the data side. Charlotte also shares her cycling activity publicly on Strava, making her followers more aware of cycling in South Korea.

Charlotte's activities besides Cycling

As can be seen from other Instagram accounts, he is an artist, producing modern design works from sheets of used paper armed with brushes and other colorful tools.

For those of you who are interested in content from him, check out his social media accounts on the following Follow page  .  

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